Capricorn’s Causes ~ 7 Jan 2018

In two days, the Sun, Venus and Pluto align in Capricorn. By themselves this is a powerful alignment wherein the mundane matters consuming a person’s attention seek to shed light on economic well-being and resourcefulness. Of course, Pluto pushes people to dive deeper into what cosmically matters... what a person passionately seeks to pursue... those things that totally fill ones sails... those things that cause a spirit to throb with the excitement of fulfilling life’s ultimate purpose... manifesting the fullness of the reason for incarnation.

Pluto presses on the need to compile a comprehensive inventory of everything a person possesses in terms of God-given talent(s), combined with those attributes accumulated through experiences in life. Pluto insists that no skill, creative ability, or wisdom set be ignored. Only then will Pluto remove his helmet of invisibility and afford opportunities for a soulful traveler to be seen in her/his entirely by coinhabitants of the planet.

By planet merger alone, a powerful week lies ahead. When the conjunction to the anomalistic and controversial galactic point SS433 (currently 20 Capricorn 25) is added to the matrix, the stakes significantly rise.

Even the team that “discovered” SS433 is a source of controversy with multiple teams “claiming” it as their own. So controversial is this galactic enigma that several astronomy books have been written about this entity alone. When Australian astronomers isolated the object, they exclaimed that they had “the bastard.” Astronomers have described SS433 as a“maverick” and noted that it often“belches” and “shoots from the hip.”

Actually, there are two cyclic constants intrinsic in the star system consisting of a neutron star and a gravitationally captured companion star. The system wobbles, precessing in a 164-day cycle. This causes the light from the object to be blue shifting (the appearance of coming toward) for 82 days, followed by a red shift interval (the appearance of receding) for 82 two days.

This cyclic system can be applied as a biorhythm of sorts. Individuals with natal connections to SS433 benefit from intense proactive life participation intervals of 82 days followed by the same amount of time in retreat, repose and review. For projects initiated during transits to SS433 as will happen this week, applying the 82 days cycles from the start date for active bursts forward complimented by review and research intervals of 82 days works wonders. Of course, applying the pulses of the 82-day cycle gives a week’s leg up on those pesky quarterly reports and seasonal reviews.

The blue shift cycle is an extroverted, proactive phase, demanding three times the energy output of its alter-cycle. The red shift cycle indicates the need to throttle down in response to life. Back off and process results and refine agendas. The red cycle prefers to operate at about a third of the full bore intensity of the blue era. Applying this ratio to real world activities greatly enhances going with the flow and reduces the need for energy drinks to keep up.

The secondary cycle of SS433 lasts 13.1 days. Half the cycle is 6.55 days. When working within the larger SS433 period using this pulse for a surge forward for 6.55 days followed by a similar cycle of reviewing results before pressing forward works wonders. This ebb and flow permits a real time analysis of response and affords adjusting to feedback to enhance any project in development into it’s most exquisite high-quality Capricorn manifestation.

Realize that projects launched during SS433 times are polarizing. Roughly half the people love it; about the same amount find it annoying or not up to standards. Initially with an SS433 endeavor, appeal to those who follow. Enrich and cultivate their involvement. Then, reach out to the rest, realizing that some will never align. It is important to recall this star system is an anomaly, a bit of an outsider, and perhaps a cultural misfit. To assuage the nay sayers, go for the bottom line of Sun, Venus and Pluto. Create a picture in which the certainty of the merit and value (Venus) of efforts in play can clearly be seen (Sun), and that whether uncomfortable or not, the transforming result will improve conditions for the better. Pluto is the guy who says things like, “ultimately, this is going to be great,” while not noting growing pains and the emotional discomfort of needing to let go first in order to reach out to something better.

So goes the theme of the week. As the Sun, Venus and Pluto align expect ideas, plans and goals to emerge that initially appear daunting, unfamiliar and uncertain. When investing in such activities, if the natural rhythms of SS433 are applied, emotional ease increases virtually immediately and one can be assured that no burn out will occur by accepting the commitment to the great Capricorn cause that summons your conscious attention, creative ability and ever transforming consciousness. Keep in mind that these Capricorn inspirations yearn to work with you to align the original purpose for incarnation - a cause conscious attention and consciousness aspire to perceive.

More soon.